
The sinuses are cavities lined with mucous membranes which are located in the bones of the skull and the face and are directly connected to the nasal cavity. It is essential that these cavities are well ventilated to prevent acute or chronic infections. If the aeration turns out to be insufficient, a sinus surgery may be necessary. In otorhinolaryngology (ENT surgery) a distinction is drawn between maxillary sinuses, ethmoid sinuses, sphenoid sinuses and meninges.

Chronic Inflammation of the Sinuses (Sinusitis) and Nasal Polyps

Real polyps are a glassy grape-shaped growth of the mucous membrane in the nose and paranasal sinuses. Usually, polyps develop in patients suffering from a chronic inflammation of the sinuses and can be visualised by an endoscopic examination of the nose. Frequently, but not always, the disease originates from an allergy or a hypersensitivity of the mucous membrane. The chronic sinusitis causes principally a stuffy nose, increased nasal discharge, impaired nasal breathing, headache and problems with the sense of smell. Although nasal drops help reduce the swellings, they aggravate in the long-term the damage to the mucous membrane. Nasal sprays or tablets containing cortisone may provide relief in some cases, however only as long as they are effectively used or taken. In most of the cases a sinus surgery may eventually turn out to be inevitable, since the symptoms and the disorders generally tend to worsen by the time.

In any case, the experienced ENT specialist in Munich will first verify to what extent the sinuses are affected by polyps. The computed tomography is hereby the most appropriate examination method, since it reveals the severity of the disorder in the sinuses. Therefore, this examination should be performed prior to any sinus surgery.

Sinus Surgery in Munich

The aim of a surgical intervention in patients suffering from a chronic inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis) is the removal of polyps and mucous membrane swellings from all paranasal sinuses (meninges, ethmoid sinuses, maxillary sinuses and sphenoid sinuses) as well as the improvement of the ventilation and drainage of the cavity system by the elimination of anatomic obstructions. The surgery (“Pansinus Operation”) is carried out under narcosis and performed through the nostrils, except in extremely rare exceptional cases.

The use of sophisticated endoscopes and microsurgical instruments enables the surgeon to remove all pathogenic alterations.

The endoscopic surgery may be combined with a rhinoplasty aimed at improving the nasal functions (septoplasty, turbinate reduction, septorhinoplasty).  

Computer-assisted Surgery (surgical navigation) in Rhinology

Specially designed computer-assisted navigation systems enable the surgeon to perform a minimally invasive surgery. This means that many diseases affecting the sinuses can be treated by a surgical procedure without large incisions in the face. The computer-aided surgery is suitable for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the sinuses or the removal of tumours in the sinuses or skull base. The use of a surgical navigation system is aimed at ensuring the safety of the operation, enabling the surgeon, despite the endoscopic approach through the nostrils, to see the exact position of the surgical instrument in the operative field on a screen. Therefore, these tools help minimize the risk of complications.

If you want to know whether a sinus surgery in Munich is suitable for the treatment of the disorders you suffer from, do not hesitate to arrange a consultation date with us.

Further useful information about related issues
